Zelda is suppose to be a helpless princess from the Legend of
Zelda series, until recently more and more imformation has been gathered
about the princess. It is now known that Zelda isn't such a
helpless fragile female so many thought she was. Zelda's power lies
in her powerful magical attacks, plus there is also a not so
pleasant surprise to you opponent when when she transforms into
the ninja like warrior known as sheik which will be reviewed later.
Close Range and Defensive
Special moves
Din's Fire
Nayru's Love
Farore's Wind
Speed/Control: 13/20
- Zelda's speed is what makes here a defensive character as even
the big and bulky ganondorf is faster than her. Don't expect to be
going anywhere fast when using Zelda, it's best to let your opponent
come to you. Once your opponent is in your reach Zelda is simple to control.
Zelda also needs a bit of practise to control while in the air.
Power: 12/15
Do not underestimate Zelda's power, she looks like a helpless
female but a few magical attacks will send you flying, the only
problem with Zelda is the power in her attacks are usually
delayed, meaning meaning it starts out with a slight drilling
effect then the last drill packs the punch, but sadly not all
the time her full attack will connect.
Stamina: 9/15
- Zelda is by no stretch of the imagination a charater that can
take a lot of damage. Be very afraid when damage reaches 85%.
Looks/finese: 13/15
- Zelda looks great, her dress is with different shades of pink,
blonde hairand whhite gloves, hey don't forget the pointy ears!
Sound: 7/10
- Zelda is not a very vocal character, the sound in her magical
attacks are truly well done and true to the Zelda series.
Combo: 15/20
- Zelda has combos, though they may not be as punishing or varied as
Samus, do not underestikmate though as she can also dish out quick damage.
Taunt/Winning pose: 3/5
- Zelda is a master magician and her winning poses attest to that however
i am not a big fan of her boring taunt.
Total 65/100